
Below are some of the many services I can provide on a freelance, contract, or permanent basis. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you would like further details.

Graphic Design

Whether you need a new logo design or an entire brand identity, you're in good hands. Your brand is far more than what you make or what you sell, it's a visual representation of your brand's personality, voice, and values. I can make it easier for your customers to get to know your brand, your products, and your services through beautiful and engaging designs.

3D Design

With more and more brands embracing new technologies and moving much of what they do online, it's important to stay competitive and get with the times. A 3D view of your product can help your customer decide to make a purchase. A 3D representation of your brick-and-mortar store can get people excited about visiting. A 3D render can mean all the difference in how a customer perceives your product.


One of the best ways to inject personality into a brand is through illustration. It's important that these illustrations have a unique appearance while remaining consistent, and reflect the intended persona, otherwise you risk your customers getting confused. I can help you avoid that by creating a common thread between illustrations while ensuring they set your brand apart from competitors.

Web Design

It's incredibly easy for a brand to get lost on the web among competitors and exciting new trends. Your website should stand out, not just visually, but also in the melee of search engines and social media. Your brand needs to remain consistent across all of these digital touchpoints and stay relevant to your customers and those who are seeking products similar to what you offer.

Layout Design

Print and digital layout designs are essential for keeping a sense of consistency within a document and across a series of various materials. Brochures, presentations, flyers, posters, and forms all need to be recognizable as an element of your brand. Through consistent use of layout, identity, and color, your brand will stand aprt from others while being instantly recognized no matter where in the wild your customers discover you.

Infographic Design

Information is often difficult to interpret in its raw form. That's why it's so important to make break it down and make it palatable for readers. By taking compex data and making clear representations with the most useful and easy to digest information, your audience will have a much easier time engaging with your brand and understanding the intent of the information you're presenting them with.

Presentation Design

That big presentation is going to be stressful enough, with you up on that stage or at the front of that boardroom. Why not take some of the stress out of it and let somebody else make sure you're representing your company and your ideas with consistency, clarity, and imagination. Presentations need clear visuals, consistent hierarchy, and easily digestible information. That's not always easy to achieve without the professional experience I'll bring to the table when creating engaging and beutiful presentations that convey your message and make you look good.

Packaging Design

Your product is new and exciting, but it needs to shine next to the competitors, whether it's on a shelf or online. What you sell is more than just a box, bag, or bottle, it's got a story. I'll help you tell that story and engage customers no matter where or how they come into contact with your product.